Friday, February 4, 2011

Never Do I Say Never

Run down the road,
Never to come back,
Say Never, Never.

Walk down the tracks,
Will they ever see their steps,
Say Never, Never.

When they look back do they want to see it,
Do they want to go forward,
Never do I say never.

One day they will run once again,
They come one by one,
Say Never, Never.

Never do I say never, never,
When will they see what I see infront of me,
When never becomes Always?

This is the road they'll travel on.


  1. I like the firey background... oh, and this never say never thing is deeply amazing. I really like your views. ^_^

  2. I love how hardcore optomistic this is! Bravo, man!!!

  3. great repetition :) it really emphasizes your point. great piece!

  4. This is really interesting. I like the repetition.
